also, make homing bomb fast and last long before exploding its to easy to get past and Shooter could use more bullets and splitter split more, and rotating log turn in your direction when its in front of you and power-ups would be nice like slowing down time or one-time shield or speed boost and more lazers and roller instead of going faster every orb make them go random speed once they go out on screen and make orb glow like put a ring around it I've died because the bomb thinking its the orb
Hey really nice game. Great job. By any chance, would you be interested in sharing/selling the source code? I think it could be a great tool for learning
This game seems really cool, but for some reasons the controls are sticky for me (on both the html5 and downloadable version). When I hold a direction, it will just stop and start randomly. Makes the game unplayable.
My high score from your other game +Parriba carried over to this game (I played the web version of both) Edit: I forgot to mention, I really like this game! The obstacles are all fun and interesting and it picks up quickly enough that it doesn't get boring. Very cool!
Saw you ask for feedback on twitter for this. Very fun so far, can definitely see this with some cool frenetic music playing in the background!
I like how what you need to collect can also unlock the next hazard. I think the circle hazards might be a little too close in color to the regular yellow orbs, especially when you have the yellow ones are flashing red for the next hazard. I do like the way it tricks you but it currently feels a bit unfair. I wonder if there's another way to still keep that dynamic.
The only other note I have is that the black on purple is hard to read (could also be because my brightness/gamma tends to be low on my screens).
Otherwise, it's a solid and fun arcade style game so far!
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this aint working for me
youre just bad
very fun game
high score is 44
Great game! The gameplay is really fun and addicting.
my max score was 25, my pc starts to die in fps
good game though
also, make homing bomb fast and last long before exploding its to easy to get past and Shooter could use more bullets and splitter split more, and rotating log turn in your direction when its in front of you and power-ups would be nice like slowing down time or one-time shield or speed boost and more lazers and roller instead of going faster every orb make them go random speed once they go out on screen and make orb glow like put a ring around it I've died because the bomb thinking its the orb
and when it gets fast it reminds me of when you run low on time in mario
I like when it gets fast
Simple idea and nice retro style .. very cool game 😊
Super enjoyable!
I love the sound effects, great game
I like that the opening scene is a mini tutorial that shows you the controls
quite an enjoyable game right here
it took my parriba highscore but still a great game
52 score... pls make a easy mode with checkpoint like
if your high score is X, you start with Y score
for X>=5, Y=(floor(X/5)-1)*5
for X<5, Y=0
and if Y is a decimal, round down
Hey really nice game. Great job. By any chance, would you be interested in sharing/selling the source code? I think it could be a great tool for learning
This game seems really cool, but for some reasons the controls are sticky for me (on both the html5 and downloadable version). When I hold a direction, it will just stop and start randomly. Makes the game unplayable.
Works fine in html on my macbook! It's just Windows that is giving me issues (maybe it's my keyboard's problem?)
I saw someone else comment a similar thing on newgrounds so maybe there's some kind of bug. I'll look into it.
Edit: I forgot to mention, I really like this game! The obstacles are all fun and interesting and it picks up quickly enough that it doesn't get boring. Very cool!
Oh wow, I didn't even know that was possible. Thanks for pointing it out :)
OMG, Great.
cool game reminds me of just shapes and beats
Really Fun Game That Ramps up Its Difficulty Beautifully.
I do wish the hazards where randomized so you never quite knew what to expect, instead of always being the same every time.
Saw you ask for feedback on twitter for this. Very fun so far, can definitely see this with some cool frenetic music playing in the background!
I like how what you need to collect can also unlock the next hazard. I think the circle hazards might be a little too close in color to the regular yellow orbs, especially when you have the yellow ones are flashing red for the next hazard. I do like the way it tricks you but it currently feels a bit unfair. I wonder if there's another way to still keep that dynamic.
The only other note I have is that the black on purple is hard to read (could also be because my brightness/gamma tends to be low on my screens).
Otherwise, it's a solid and fun arcade style game so far!
Thanks for the feedback, really useful!
You're welcome, glad to help!
Hey this is a very cool game, do you plan to develop it further?
Most likely
That's great. Let me know if you do!
Very cool. As MVP can be used as base for full game. It definitivelly have potential
Wow. This is fantastic. It's a simple concept, polished to perfection, with a great difficulty curve. Amazing work.
Alright, this is gold.
i love this game!! its so addicting and the sound effects r just chefs kiss